At the left you can see a simple Google search of the VA facilities in East Orange, New Jersey and you can too look it up if you like to contact them. It is public information and I am in no way trying to violate the rights of this institution but I will tell all I can in this article for your benefit, the reader and maybe a fellow SC (Service Connected) veteran. This article has been re-inspired to write due to some recently past issues related to me and others during the course of the past years that I have had to defend myself against a system I believe to be too extremely bloated and becoming less caring to the patient real needs, our injured veterans and their families. In comparison to the public sector, the VA has been touted to be a more efficient system (key word efficient) and the envy of many health care reformers but all is not rosy and perfect especially when it comes to the patients needs, many injured veterans who have sacrificed there well being so that others may enjoy this great democracy we have are suffering unjust treatment by the VA partially due to the actions of a few individuals with the power to affect service connected disabled veterans rights and services. I'm hoping this will change with a little bit of pressure from me and others concerned about this way of thanking our veterans for their service and sacrifice.
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