Monday, September 20, 2010

If your Racists & Rich, you Vote Republican?

It has become more and more clearly that the real spark behind the republican parties strategy to win back the White house and Congress is pure racism. Racism against minorities but even more surprisingly then that is social racism against those who just making it in this economy (98%) and those living the good life on the backs of us all (2%). There are radical racist people within the Republican party taking hostage of the whole party in general. A small fringe crazy group that would try to convince the rest of us that their way is the only right way to steer our country into. Some leaders of the Republican party are finally realizing just who they invited into their folds and how dangerous they have become. It would not surprise me to see the KKK support many of the Tea Party fanatics elected in the past primaries into office soon or at the very least quietly doing so on the side lines. What most nutty racist people do not realize is the other hidden agenda of the GOP to make them poorer while making their rich buddies richer at their delusional expense. Anyone can look up and see just how the state of our country really is by exploring on the Internet statistics. For example, most Americans do not make over $60k a year but less, and that the number of American households making over $250K per year is even less, yet the majority is being held hostage by the Republican lies. Ask yourself just how many people you know that makes over $60k per year or families making $250k per year and I'm sure you will not use more then one hand if you come across any at all. In my state it seems that we enjoy the presence of many rich people living a comfortable life while the rest of this state is in agony with bankruptcies, foreclosures and many losses of jobs while those who hold the future of working American live the lap of luxury while sending many of our jobs overseas. We are at a crucial time in history for this country where we must as a nation decide if we let a few crazy people run our affairs or we really take back this country and point the radicals out for what they are to the public before our coming elections.

Many Americans today practicing this hateful racism seem to forget their past in out nations history and how they too were targeted, we all have been in one way or another. For instance the Irish in the past when coming to this country to seek a better life had many of them indentured, little better then slaves back in the 1800's yet some of them just before the civil war with the luck to own a plantation supported slavery and fought to protect it even though others did not. Many Americans died in the nasty war of the past seeking to provide moral justice to a people (African Americans) that suffered the yoke of slavery, a pivoting point in our American history. The German Americans also suffered exclusion for many years yet their ancestors forget this and do injustice to their memory. Even the English that came to our great country was looked upon by their fatherland as less then human and this caused our American Revolution and independence, thank God. The Italian Americans were referred to as olive skin foreigners and were mistreated for many years in by the the other Americans at one time and just recently. So you can see that all ethnic groups of Americans suffered injustice and racism yet today their heirs do an injustice to their memory by marching at radical racist Tea Party movements and the Republican party. The party of Lincoln has turned their backs on the very moral character that made that party in the past great and all of us must see it for what it really is.

I have heard many times that the democratic party should not bring up topics like taxes and others but this party must grow a pair and start confronting these radical idiots that want to control our countries affairs and your quality of life. America is suffering from a sickness and its roots are in racism and ends in poverty. We must all take action at the polls.

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