Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Past and now in US Puertoricans Healthcare Wows!

A recent event has reminded me of my trials & tribulations I was faced when my father suffered his last major stroke in the island he loved so much and still does, Puerto Rico. I can remember it like it was yesterday, just how many hours we all spent in the emergency room of a so called quality high care institution of The Bella Vista Hospital in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. My father was totally ignored for the first vital hours of care to minimize the damage in that hospital while another celebrity patient was taken care of properly. He was talking clearly, moving about and his only complaint was some pain or discomfort in his bladder but the blood clots were running unchecked through his body and doing its damage. We spent hours in that emergency room (if you can really call it that) and it was emotionally exhausting despite my many attempts to bring his serious condition to the attention of the staff.

This happened at a time when most hospitals including this one was enjoying great funding both by medicare claims and other federal grants to the island but that made no difference at all in my fathers case then. Late that day or better yet the following day early in the morning, he was transferred to a room in the general care section, not intensive care as he probably should have been assigned. I spent the night with him holding his hand while the damage went wild unchecked, untreated, ignored and his only defense was a bag of saline (IV) with no monitors at all. The nursing staff at that floor could of cared less and did not monitor his vitals as they should of, and several times I had to plead for them to come into the room and attend to his internal bleeding and or clots coming out of his urine completely filling his hospital bed. He also became very agitated and wanted to get out of bed, a common symptom of major stroke victims I learned later. After a very long night doing the job of the staff at this so called great quality hospital, I finally spoke to our trusted doctor (Dr. Olivencia) who found enough time to address this very important health issue. I was given weak excuses for the lack of care and his bleeding and then he decided at that time (2 days later) to prescribe a blood thinner (too little too late, damage done). I, my mother and other family members spent round the clock vigil making sure my father (an admired and great individual) was properly attended to since the staff at the hospital was lacking. I called in my other siblings into the picture and they came quickly from the states (mainland US) to help us out. By the time they got to Puerto Rico me and my mother were ready to drop from exhaustion, not because they took so long to arrive, but because it was just that hard. When our doctor finally consulted with the family (me, my brother and sister), he recommended that we put him into a home and forget that he even exists. He explained that because his condition was that bad, he would be a major burden on to us to care. We refused to give up on our father and we told the quack doctor to have him released so that we could send him back to our home state of New Jersey. Healthcare at that time was much better then what we had received in the island and we were willing to take a chance on making his condition worse due to altitude of the plane (blood clots or guaranteed lack of care and or death).

Things have changed a lot since then especially here in New Jersey, but I don't regret moving back to my home state at all. Nothing is perfect and we do what we can to survive but at least my father is enjoying a better health care system here (even now) and has more time to enjoy his grand kids and close family. Now I hear that the island is improving in its care of patients, point in fact is my uncle's recent stroke and surprisingly being treated at the same facility where my father was with a much better outcome. I hope this is true and thank God that my uncle was properly treated to avoid what happened to my father from repeating itself again in my family. The hospital and Staff now (if true) is to be commended.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The U.S, one of the last super powers practicing colonialism!

I was watching a podcast from Anderson Coopers 360 podcast (an older one) and I was surprised by a statements made by one of the CNN's contributor (Mr. Crystal?) stating that "the United States does not practice or endorse by policy colonialism" (may not be the exact quote but you get the idea). In fact the United States of America has been practicing colonialism at least since 1898 in more then one area of the globe. One area close to my heart, is my beloved island of Puerto Rico. With an estimated population of close to if not over 8million naturally born US citizens (3rd generation and counting) and another currently estimated 5+ million residing on the continental mainland (Hawaii and abroad the world), this population of naturally born Americans deserve their right to decide. Some have direct ancestry to Puerto Rico, others are so called white Angelo Americans and still others from various nationalities (cuban, jewish, muslim, etc.). The island of Puerto Rico has many different social economical classes, not to mention white skin and darker skin people (African connected and native indian) with many mixed variations. They serve our country disproportionately higher then the mainland United States with honor and sacrifice, and unlike mainland US, they vote in all their elections at a higher rate. This is because they take their rights to vote seriously. Many Puertoricans are extremely talented in various fields of studies like the sciences and more and with talents that rival any independent nation in the world yet they have not been given the right to end their colonial status. I will not convince the crazy racist KKK types in America of this cause, I am sure (thank God a small fanatically group in my country and dieting off) nor the closet racists that exist today but I maybe able to open the eyes of the rest of us proud real Americans (the majority so far) of this hidden evil secret. Let the Americans that live in the historically rich and beautiful island of Puerto Rico decide for themselves between two real alternatives, statehood application or unconditional freedom or independence by spelling out clearly the two choices, both the positive and negative realistic aspects of their decision for all the residents of Puerto Rico that will be affected. Then let us end once and for all this evil hidden secret that exists within this great nation of ours, the United States of America. God bless the United States of America and God bless the island del Encanto, Puerto Rico (Borinquen querido).

Somerset Medical Cnter in Somerville, NJ under investigation!

It finally happened, the SMC (local hospital in Somerville, NJ) is under investigation by the Fed's for billing fraud. They have been accused of over billing and double billing their patients who attended the Sleep diagnostics facility in Hillsborough, NJ but this is the tip of the iceberg I believe. Being one of the parties that brought to attention the abusive practices of this facility to both patients and their families, I am very happy to see this take flight. I have no desire to see this facility closed or everyone else improperly being punished who has been doing a great job at the facility, just hold accountable those who violated the public trust and federal and state laws of acceptable behavior. The next stage I believe in this investigation is to broaden the it to all suspicious actions and policies enforced by the hospital administrators. It wasn't too long ago that SMC was in the news with the deadly nurse staff that help put to death terminally ill patients. It's coverage was brief and quickly swept under the rug in my opinion. This facility boasted last year roughly $9 million income with about $8 million dedicated to costs (profit of about $1 million or so) and I found it hard to believe or swallow considering the amount of traffic this hospital has had in the past and the many services that bill patients outside the internal hospital's accounting system (radiologists, physicians groups, etc..). Another interesting note is their claims that the majority of their income was obtained from patients with private golden insurance coverage and not public assisted coverage such as medicare and medicaid or charity care. When the facility in the Plainsfield area closed, the influx of that areas patients grew but yet I would be very curious to see just how many were attended properly at this particular facility and what their income to loss ratio was during this phase. Many hospital's have claimed they are loosing their shirts in providing healthcare services to the poor but has anyone really taken a good look as to the real facts hospital by hospital? I don't believe they have, and both the public and out government agencies (sate & Federal) need to look at the reality of these facts. More information needs to be made public as well like the amount of patients per racial group get treated or hospitalized with conditions, with the life expectancy data and also the income provided by the State and Federal programs. Like I said this is just getting started and I hope the investigation provides answers, punishments and accountability to this areas most important public health service. Here are a few links to some websites that are providing information about what I just wrote about:

If your Racists & Rich, you Vote Republican?

It has become more and more clearly that the real spark behind the republican parties strategy to win back the White house and Congress is pure racism. Racism against minorities but even more surprisingly then that is social racism against those who just making it in this economy (98%) and those living the good life on the backs of us all (2%). There are radical racist people within the Republican party taking hostage of the whole party in general. A small fringe crazy group that would try to convince the rest of us that their way is the only right way to steer our country into. Some leaders of the Republican party are finally realizing just who they invited into their folds and how dangerous they have become. It would not surprise me to see the KKK support many of the Tea Party fanatics elected in the past primaries into office soon or at the very least quietly doing so on the side lines. What most nutty racist people do not realize is the other hidden agenda of the GOP to make them poorer while making their rich buddies richer at their delusional expense. Anyone can look up and see just how the state of our country really is by exploring on the Internet statistics. For example, most Americans do not make over $60k a year but less, and that the number of American households making over $250K per year is even less, yet the majority is being held hostage by the Republican lies. Ask yourself just how many people you know that makes over $60k per year or families making $250k per year and I'm sure you will not use more then one hand if you come across any at all. In my state it seems that we enjoy the presence of many rich people living a comfortable life while the rest of this state is in agony with bankruptcies, foreclosures and many losses of jobs while those who hold the future of working American live the lap of luxury while sending many of our jobs overseas. We are at a crucial time in history for this country where we must as a nation decide if we let a few crazy people run our affairs or we really take back this country and point the radicals out for what they are to the public before our coming elections.

Many Americans today practicing this hateful racism seem to forget their past in out nations history and how they too were targeted, we all have been in one way or another. For instance the Irish in the past when coming to this country to seek a better life had many of them indentured, little better then slaves back in the 1800's yet some of them just before the civil war with the luck to own a plantation supported slavery and fought to protect it even though others did not. Many Americans died in the nasty war of the past seeking to provide moral justice to a people (African Americans) that suffered the yoke of slavery, a pivoting point in our American history. The German Americans also suffered exclusion for many years yet their ancestors forget this and do injustice to their memory. Even the English that came to our great country was looked upon by their fatherland as less then human and this caused our American Revolution and independence, thank God. The Italian Americans were referred to as olive skin foreigners and were mistreated for many years in by the the other Americans at one time and just recently. So you can see that all ethnic groups of Americans suffered injustice and racism yet today their heirs do an injustice to their memory by marching at radical racist Tea Party movements and the Republican party. The party of Lincoln has turned their backs on the very moral character that made that party in the past great and all of us must see it for what it really is.

I have heard many times that the democratic party should not bring up topics like taxes and others but this party must grow a pair and start confronting these radical idiots that want to control our countries affairs and your quality of life. America is suffering from a sickness and its roots are in racism and ends in poverty. We must all take action at the polls.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

New Credit Card Rules Start and banks try to circumvent it!

We should all know by now that just this past August 22nd, the new rules created by our government and signed into law by the president started but not without some resistance by the credit card companies or banks. The new law was designed to protect the consumer from abusive practices of all of the credit card companies that over charged us all in penalties and other fees in the recent past. One part of the new law says "Your credit card company cannot charge you a fee of more than $25" for late fees but there are some exceptions in the new law that the credit card companies are taking full advantage of. One such condition is that if "one of your last six payments was late, in which case your fee may be up to $35; or your credit card company can show that the costs it incurs as a result of any late payments justify a higher fee." Some credit card companies are stepping up by one month further then the new law permits of punishment (7, not allowed in law) like your Kohl's store credit card owned and operated by the Chase Banking system. There is also another protection against inactivity fees and or punishments that I'm sure these card companies will not follow. They also can not charge you for over-drafting (past credit limit) your account more then 1 time as opposed to several times that many have done in the recent past (Chase Bank & others). The rate increases (or APR) are another area that has been changed by the new law where if any changes are to be imposed on the card holder, they must be informed 45 days before such increases take place and they can not be a monthly changed or review for changes but only allowed every six months. They must also explain why the increase of your APR was justified, a weak spot for most banks. These rules are being implement by the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act (the Credit Card Act) and hopefully monitored by the Federal government agencies responsible for credit card and bank actions against consumers. Some of the other changes are expected to take effect on or after February 22, 2011.

These credit card companies and banks do not like these new changes at all and are doing everything they can to bypass the new rules or even out right ignore them hoping the consumer and the Federal government turns a blind eye as they have done in the past. Many of the readers will think that these changes will raise rates for those people that are doing the right thing with their debts and paying them off on time in a responsible manner but I must disagree. The credit card companies abuse the least powerful consumers who have little or no knowledge as to their rights like the poor or middle class and who pay on time even with their pitiful and limited or low incomes (the vast majority). So now your $5 coffee fixes in the mornings that could exceed your credit limit purchase before work should not cost you an extra $100 or more in fees ($35+ x 3, Chase) like before. I believe the new laws are only as good as enforcement of them. Should the consumers be abused (despite the new laws), they need to know they can count on protection when eventually the credit card companies (and banks) decide to step over the line of the current laws. We will have to wait and see. More information can be found at: or at If you feel you are being abused, REPORT IT immediately to all the proper government agencies and also make it publicly known via blogs or tweet it! Shine a light on abuse today and always.