My friend pointed out that illegal mexican immigrants have an unfair advantage to us born in the USA with getting help like through Social Service programs and others when it is needed. I don't really see how the illegal immigrants (mainly hispanics to clarify) have it so easy to get social service programs like food stamps, free rent, medical assistance and other benefits when the reality is they have no real verifiable documentation to use. Many in the Welfare and Social Services office asking for help know just how difficult it really is to get qualified for various programs of assistance so exactly how would we think it is any easier for someone here illegally with little or no documentation? That is reality people, the hype pushed is a myth. Every day the local Social Services offices, Hospital's and other government agencies turn away sometimes perfectly needy US citizens from their services and if you don't believe me then you not aware of what is really going on today. So you really have to ask yourself why this need to keep us at each others throats fighting among ourselves? It's simple, the problem is really not racial but social classes. The middle class in need of help (and especially the poor) are treated by the upper class blue blood royals of our country little more then peasants to be abused and stepped upon when they get out of line. Keeping us busy with false allegations of one group taking advantage of another or receiving a bigger portion of the pie (aid & benefits at these offices) then the rest. The upper blue bloods prefer to keep us guessing by creating a racial divide among us all so that the real causes of out problems are never addressed properly like their financial rape of this country at the cost of the rest of us Americans.
It is more true today then ever before that there are two separate generational views on racism against other minorities in this country and even the gay community. Many can reflect upon our current young men and women who are more tolerant and have mixed views that are not always shared by some of their parents and the rest of us. Another example is today's military ability to change their views about gays serving in the military, views mainly being supported by the new American youth who serve this nation. You can even walk into any school today and see just how tolerant, acceptant and even ignorant our school children are of many racial or sexual divides currently despite some of their parents attempts to change it. They are not perfect of course, there will always be some level of healthy competition between the children in school and even abusive behaviors but nothing like early in our past American history. It is unfortunately a few of my generation and the older ones that are rehashing old American defective practices that kept this great country to prosper.
So where is America going in this racial war of minorities created and stimulated by the upper class to keep us guessing? Do poor whites really believe that the real enemy or cause of their problems is another group within the American society like immigrants (illegal or not) or are they being mislead to believe it to keep them from seeing the real devil in this problem? How about our great black community, some of them are so convinced that the cause of their problems is due to our latin community who is hogging up the benefits being denied to them or is everyone being denied for the sake of keeping the money in the hands of the most financially fortunate? These are the questions all of us Americans today need to truthfully ask ourselves and find the answers un-biosly and logically without the garbage spewed out. I will quote a statement from our American fabric which states "One nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all", except illegal immigrants, muslims, non-whites, gay and only for the rich of our nation. Maybe we should add that to our American statement and then it could be the perfect United States of Nazism. All you bigots out there who are occupying space in my country, you are welcomed to move to the Antarctic continent where hardly nobody lives and start your own perfect country leaving my America alone.
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