Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The devious 'Unlimited Data' plans of the Cell Phone industry.

While shopping around through the internet from the big 3 cell phone companies(only ones really), I discovered that the so called 'Unlimited Data' plans available for cell phones capable of using them are really a deception. All have an imposed 5GB per month limit on that so called unlimited plan and even more restrictions as it relates to each indivial cell phone provider. With so many new cell phones coming out that have the ability to view video online and other internet intense features, it is unrealistic this 5GB limit. I know my ISP provider (Comcast) has also imposed a limit on monthly use of the internet per month to only 250GB and when you consider just how unrealistic this policy is, you tend to wonder what is the future of the new multimedia on demand internet service will be in the future. Where is our expected watchdogs that protect consumers from this abuse, who knows. With the FCC loosing it's case just rescently with Comcast & others in court, the need for new consumer protection laws passed by congress is great. Maybe the cable industry is frighten by the dramatic increase of users to view content online rather then through their channels is scary prospect and this is one way to curtail it but demand will only grow with time.


  1. I have contacted my elected officials about this problem along with the whitehouse and the FCC. No reral response about this issue has been given. You too should do the same if you also use the internet freqently (among the 10% according to Comcast, really?).

  2. I think a miracle just happened. The big 3 cell phone providers changed there policies regarding the 3Gb monthly limit on cell phones that was visible via their web sites. Rejoice, the desire I think to rationally treat customers and impose these limits especially with these video/ online services intense phones coming out soon. Lets keep it up people. Happy happy joy joy.


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