It is always present to everyone the temptation to do bad ,as a matter of fact, the word temptation never really refers to any good act but a bad one. It is our good sense, religious and social beliefs that (for the most part) stops us all from falling into temptation but this problem is not new but as old as time itself. Our acts of temptations range from the very feeble or small to larger ones that would affect others who have nothing to do with our problems or are innocent of any wrong doing against us. We all sometimes try to justify our acts of temptation in a feeble attempt of seeing the right of our actions in what is clearly an act of wrong. So what would the recent shooter of Connecticut's Newtown violant act say had he survived the act of shooting those innocent victims whose life he cut short, we can only guess at this point as what his justification was. At least we can revisit the act and analyze it in order to truly prevent another violant act like this one to repeat itself again somewhere else in a truly sensible way, not in a state of panic as some are doing. I truly believe that no violant and sociably unacceptable act should be ignored, and to be openly dissected in order to improve our ability to avoid another incident and learn what was done wrong after all are we not trying to improve our science of human behavior or psychology to avoid another incident? We try to rely on our science of human behavior and psychology but this questionable science is relatively a new one and has a great deal of unjustifiable guess work on the part of the professionals and doctors in the field. Unlike medicine (that is not completely free of guess work) it can see most common health issue's and can come to a somewhat reasonable treatment. It amazes me that we can more properly diagnose a car problem, plumbing, electrical, computer or technology issue but we are unable or willing to conclude upon a real cause and then properly fix these issues. It's very clear that currently some unacceptable human behavior, medicine and psychological problems we face (even in the past) we are unwilling to address them properly with the zeel required to address them with merit.

We have all acted upon some level of temptation at one point of our lives and then for the most part regretted the act. We try to seek forgiveness from our sins by going to confessionals, being a born again, do something helpful for our communities in penance but the fact remains that all of us fall from grace at one point of our lives. I don't believe that earthly saints truly exist but I want to keep the hope alive that some of us are above our worldly temptations that inspire us to do good things as opposed to bad ones. That ideal isn't a bad thing to look forward to after all none of us are angels. All we can do is to always listen to that little voice that calls upon all of us to do good, and hope never to loose our frame of minds as to what line we should never cross that would cause harm to us and especially to others . So what is truly "The Nature of Temptation", who really knows? Not me nor the doctors who call themselves professionals at least not yet. It is still a big guessing game that society needs to address seriously in a scientific, logical and sensible manner not in a state of panic or to further some other questionable hidden political agenda.